1.6.2 Sexual Violence with Physical Contact

Examples of sexual violence with contact include:

  1. Touching or grabbing private parts of the body,

  2. Rubbing or grinding against someone,

  3. Cornering someone (using the body to prevent someone from leaving a room or space or pressing someone up against a wall),

  4. Pulling clothes,

  5. Rape,

  6. Sexual assault,

  7. Drug-facilitated sexual assault, and

  8. Child sexual abuse.

Looking at this list, most of us can probably find something that’s happened to us or to someone we know.

Think, for a moment, about how upsetting and harmful this may have been.

While you might say, ‘I’ve never been raped’, as someone who has experienced or who knows someone who has experienced sexual violence you can still empathize with survivors’ experiences and feelings.