5.2 Safety Planning for Intimate Partner Violence

It’s important to note that the primary objective when safety planning with survivors is their safety.

Many of the tips below will not work for some survivors of intimate partner violence. Please use your discretion and best judgement.

When you are safety planning with a survivor, you may not know if they are living in a situation where there is intimate partner violence that could expose them to further, and even potentially life-threatening, risk.

For this reason, it’s important to screen for intimate partner violence and other forms of abuse.

Once you have done this, be prepared to share information about resources available in your community that can support the survivor; you may even need to help the survivor contact them, if they wish you to do so (see the section, ‘Building Referral Networks’).

Ask the following questions to help the survivor develop their safety plan:

  1. Where will they go after leaving the health center? Will anyone accompany them? If someone is accompanying them, will that person be able to adequately support the survivor? Is there anyone else that the survivor would like to contact?

  2. Does the survivor’s living situation expose them to the threat of continued violence or harassment? Do they need emergency shelter or alternative housing options?

  3. Is the survivor eligible for protective orders from law enforcement? Does the survivor need additional security measures?

  4. What personal support systems are available (e.g. family members, friends, faith leaders or others who can provide emotional, financial or physical assistance to the survivor)?

  5. If the survivor feels unsafe, what will they do to get help?

Discuss the options available with the survivor, and help them to develop a plan.

Safety planning must also factor in the needs and concerns of specific populations. For example, if a survivor has physical disabilities, they may not be able to access the local domestic violence shelter or receive the staff support they need for their daily activities.