2.5.2 LGBTQIA Survivors

Sexual violence is an important concern for individuals and communities who identify as LGBTQIA (for more information, see the section on ‘Supporting LGBTQIA Survivors’).

This is because they may be at higher risk of sexual victimization than others and encounter barriers to services because of homophobia and transphobia.

Survivors who identify as LGBTQIA have a higher risk of taking part in high-risk sexual behaviors, depression and suicide attempts.

When seeking medical care after sexual assault or intimate partner violence, LGBTQIA survivors may face additional barriers to accessing services.

Other systems of discrimination and inequality increase the risks and challenges.

It’s the survivor’s choice whether to disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity or not, and if they do choose to share, with whom is also at their discretion.

If their partner threatens them by telling them that they will disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity to others unless they have sex, that is abuse.